Methods, techniques and equipment for cleaning ventilation systems

Methods, techniques and equipment for cleaning ventilation systems

The main task of ventilation is to create and maintain an atmosphere favorable for work or rest (depending on the type and purpose of the premises). The utility network provides an influx of clean and fresh air masses into the living or working space and the effective removal of air that has managed to warm up and become polluted.  

However, even the most modern, high-quality and productive ventilation will need cleaning from time to time, and during this procedure it is necessary to clean the air ducts and all devices that are part of the network. The process is carried out using different methods and specialized equipment, for example, dryer vent cleaning, which will be discussed in the following sections of the material.

We will begin our review by examining the ventilation functions, this will help us understand why timely cleaning is essential for its efficient operation.

The tasks that ventilation is designed to perform

The engineering network installed in the premises must perform a number of important functions:

  • To remove polluted air masses and ensure the supply of the required volume of clean fresh air;

  • To clean, ionize, cool or heat incoming air masses to the required temperature;

  • Remove harmful impurities, unpleasant odors, and excess moisture.

Efficient ventilation creates comfortable conditions for people to stay in their work or living space, and has a positive effect on their well-being and health. But in order for the ventilation network to operate at the required level of performance and perform all key tasks, it must be perfectly clean. For this purpose, procedures are carried out aimed at high-quality cleaning of the network.

IMPORTANT: Timely maintenance of ventilation promotes the correct operation of all devices included in the network, increases their useful life, eliminates the risk of allergic reactions and other health problems in people who are constantly in the room.

Not only the devices but also the space of the channels, where dust, pathogenic microorganisms, mold and fungus actively accumulate, must be cleaned thoroughly. Without surface treatment, all these harmful substances will gradually spread throughout the room. Moreover, a clogged and contaminated system poses a certain danger in the event of a fire: fire and suffocating smoke will easily spread through it.

Signs indicating contamination of the ventilation network

Certain signs that are fairly easy to spot will help you determine the need to clean the ventilation network. These include:

  1. Active accumulation of dust and cobwebs around ventilation grilles.

  2. Almost immediately after cleaning (on the second day), dust appears on floors and other surfaces.

  3. The rooms are stuffy, although the local climate was previously normal.

IMPORTANT: A simple test can help check the operation of the ventilation: take a small and thin sheet of paper and bring it to the exhaust grille. If the paper moves from the draft, the ventilation is working properly. If there is no draft, it is time to take measures to clean the ventilation.

The paper test is suitable for assessing the ventilation of small areas. If it is necessary to check the operation of the utility system in a room with significant area indicators, specialized equipment is used.

Methods of carrying out ventilation maintenance

The need for regular and high-quality cleaning of both domestic and industrial ventilation has been repeatedly emphasized above. To select equipment for service maintenance, diagnostics are initially carried out, which can show the degree of contamination of the network, identify the accumulation of deposits of certain substances in the space of air ducts. Based on the collected information, the most effective method of servicing the ventilation network in specific circumstances is selected. Below we will consider different methods of servicing communications.

Mechanical method

This cleaning method uses specialized equipment: a machine equipped with brushes, a vacuum cleaner, or a unique innovation – a robot controlled remotely and having both brushes for cleaning and a built-in video camera for assessing the quality of work.

The main advantage of mechanical cleaning is the speed of work, but this method is not very suitable for high-quality cleaning of ventilation ducts, on the walls of which fatty deposits have accumulated in large quantities. In general, mechanical cleaning does not cause discomfort to people in the room, is carried out in a short time, is considered a gentle method of maintenance, which is not capable of causing damage to elements and devices.

Chemical method

Mechanical cleaning will not help to remove grease and other substances from the surfaces of air ducts that can be deeply absorbed into the material of the air ducts. In such circumstances, the chimney cleaning method will be more effective , especially often used for servicing ventilation networks in the kitchens of restaurants, canteens, cafes and other public catering establishments. The essence of the method is to spray special cleaning chemicals into the space of the air ducts.

Chemical cleaning of ventilation is carried out quite quickly, but requires preliminary preparation and compliance with certain safety rules, since the process involves the use of quite caustic and toxic substances. Chemical cleaning of ventilation is a job that can only be carried out by professionals who have a state license to carry out this type of activity.

Combined technique

The second name of this method of cleaning ventilation networks is wet cleaning. It involves the use of chemical and mechanical methods of cleaning ventilation ducts. The main advantage of the combined method is its high efficiency, but at the same time the work takes a significant amount of time and its cost will be higher than the use of any one method - mechanical or chemical.

Cryogenic blasting

An innovative method that involves the use of dry ice or soda in the cleaning process. These substances are fed into the ventilation duct system at high speed using a specialized tool, where they come into contact with contaminated surfaces. This contact results in a mini-explosion that effectively destroys any type of formation on the walls of the ventilation shafts.

The disadvantages of this method are the high cost and the need for complete sealing of the system.

Most often, simple, effective and affordable mechanical and chemical methods are used to clean systems. The methods efficiently remove not only dust, but also various types of plaque. Blasting and combined cleaning technology are advisable to carry out only when complex contaminants are detected in the system, against which traditional technologies will be ineffective.

What are the benefits of cleaning ventilation ducts?

Cleaning ventilation ducts is an event that will solve a number of problems:

  • Make the air in the room cleaner and fresher, free from dust and other harmful impurities;

  • Achieve optimal humidity levels;

  • Prevent the appearance of mold and mildew indoors.

Regular maintenance of ventilation ducts helps to create an optimal microclimate for living and working, timely detection and elimination of failures in the operation of various devices included in the network. Cleaning helps to improve the overall level of fire safety. If dust and fat deposits accumulate in the ventilation shafts, then one small spark will be enough to cause a fire in the air duct space and the flame will quickly spread throughout the network.

Cleaning activities will also help to ensure the flawless functioning of all elements and devices in the ventilation network and compliance with the requirements of current sanitary standards.

Equipment used in the cleaning procedure

If dust and other harmful deposits have accumulated in sufficient quantities inside the operating ventilation network, cleaning it can be a difficult task, and therefore professionals are involved in the process, who have specialized equipment in their arsenal. Using professional tools, specialists carry out high-quality cleaning of air duct surfaces from any types of contamination.

Professional equipment is used for servicing communications in any type of premises and any functional purpose. Specialized tools are divided into two main types - for diagnostic measures and for cleaning and disinfection. The process always begins with diagnostics: the degree of clogging of the ventilation network is determined and, based on the information received, the optimal maintenance method is selected.

The need for regular preventive cleaning of ventilation

According to current construction and sanitary standards, an engineering ventilation network must be present in any building, of any functional purpose. And the same standards require a certain efficiency from the installed communications during operation and provision of specific indicators of air exchange, cleanliness, humidity, air temperature. All these indicators will be impossible to achieve with clogged ventilation, the operation of which will be unproductive. Preventive cleaning, which is applicable to both mechanical and natural ventilation networks, will help prevent the problem.

Of course, maintenance activities can be carried out as the ventilation shafts become dirty. But practice shows that it is easier and cheaper to regularly carry out preventive cleaning, since it guarantees uninterrupted and high-quality operation of the ventilation network. Ventilation will perform all key functions and create a microclimate in the room that is healthy and comfortable for both work and rest.


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